Thursday, December 18, 2008


Healers: Gip (Priest), Ramla (Pally)
Tanks: Zerkratzen, Burlo
DPS: Swix (Rogue), Heliegen (DK), Burlo's Friend Mage, Prettysaro (Hunter)

Jan 3rd 5 ST?


Ivan said...

im free usually all sun/sat and i can usually make most days if the start time is around 8:30pm server thats the absolute earliest i can go on most weekdays (preferably 9:00server)

Jimmerz said...

Til I get a job I'm free afternoon/evenings =D

Swix said...

Until winter semester begins, I'm working M-F 8-4:30 CST, so I can normally start up around 6:00 p.m. CST during the week, anytime on the weekends. Also, I'm only going if everyone in the raid is running Windows Mojave.

John said...

I'm normally available on weekends and after 5pm server. I'm not available the evening of the 27th or 28th.

Swix said...

Anyone want to take a crack at this on Friday, the day after Christmas?

Jimmerz said...

I'm up for friday...hopefully I'll be back at my place by then lol.

John said...

When do we want to try again?

Tomorrow (Jan 1) or Saturday (Jan 3)?

Jimmerz said...

Saturday sounds good.
